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Big Brother Tasks

There are two tasks per week.  One will be the weekly task where housemates will get rewards if they pass and the other will be broadcast live on Channel 4 and will determine the winning prize and other evil acts.

Please click on the week of tasks you would like to view:

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Week 5: 28/06?/2004

Task:  The housemates will have to use a portaloo as part of this week's weekly task, which is based around the traditions of the Glastonbury festival!

This morning they discovered a mini Stonehenge-structure, camping stove and chemical toilet had been placed in the garden. The shower and toilet areas have been locked until further notice, forcing housemates to use the outdoor facilities.

Big Brother has also disabled the hob, cooker and removed the kettle and toaster from the kitchen - forcing housemates to use the outdoor camping stove and barbecue.

To reinforce the 'outdoorsy' feel to the task, they have also been given herbal tea - in replacement for conventional tea and coffee.

The housemates were less than pleased when they discovered the new facilities, Dan even threatened to leave as a result!

The group have also been given costumes and wigs and provided with a stage and instruments, to form their very own rock band.


Pass / Fail

Extra Tasks: 

Live Task: 26/06/2004

Task: The housemates will be split into 3 separate teams - and will then be tested on their intelligence, skill and strength - in 3 separate areas of the challenge.

The intelligence challenge will require the housemates to solve a conundrum by re-arranging letters to make up a word. Although, as always there's a catch! Its not a simple case of picking up letters and reorganising them - the selected housemates will be wearing sandwich boards, each with different letters on and will need to physically organise themselves to make up a word.

For the skill part of the challenge, the selected housemates must move a metal loop around a wavey wire without touching it - again the catch is the housemate who moves the loop, will be doing so with their head - and will need to use the directions of other housemates to move through the wavy wire structure (sounds impossible!). If the loop makes contact with the wire, then buzzing and flashing lights will signalise an error, and the housemate must start again. To complete and pass this section of the challenge, they must complete the course within just 1 minute.

Finally, the final part of the task involves the other housemates to test their strength by playing human skittles. One housemate will take the place inside a bowling ball, and the other 2 remaining housemates must then push the ball to knock down the skittles in one turn.

£3,000 on conundrum
£1,000 on skittles
£6,000 on human buzzer

Michelle: Conundrum & Skittles
Marco: Conundrum & Human Buzzer
Dan: Conundrum & Human Buzzer
Nadia: Conundrum & Human Buzzer
Ahmed: Conundrum & Human Buzzer
Stuart: Conundrum & Human Buzzer
Shell: Conundrum & Human Buzzer
Victor: Conundrum & Skittles
Jason: Conundrum & Skittles

The housemates failed the conundrum, so the prize fund now stands at £74,000

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