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Big Brother Tasks

There are two tasks per week.  One will be the weekly task where housemates will get rewards if they pass and the other will be broadcast live on Channel 4 and will determine the winning prize and other evil acts.

Please click on the week of tasks you would like to view:

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Week 2: 06/06/2004

Task:  Fast Food: Big Brother can ask for food at any time day or night until Wednesday.  The food must not take any longer than 30 minutes.  The food must be couriered to the diary room on a tricycle.

Pass / Fail

Extra Tasks:  Paint a life size portrait.  Michelle volunteered to be the model.  Michelle had 2 minutes to judge and Shell was the winner.

Live Task: 05/06/2004

Task: There are three stages to the task:

Stage 1:

This was to get the housemates into the order of their knowledge, they had to line up by posts numbered one to eleven, one being the smartest person, Stuart placed himself at number one and was asked to move to the bench while the others remained at their posts.

Stage 2:

This was to get the housemates into the order of their physical strength, the same as stage 1 saw the housemates line up from what they thought was the strongest (post 1) to post 10, Jason put himself at number 1 and was asked to join Stuart on the bench.

Stage 3:

Stuart was called to the diary room to answer questions while the others (bar Jason) got onto the roundabout and Jason started to spin it, for every question Stuart answered correctly one housemate would be allowed to leave the spinning roundabout, for every wrong answer £1,000 was deducted from their prize fund of £91,000.

Stuart answered 4 questions wrong and Ahmed failed to get on the roundabout in time, so £6,000 was taken from the prize fund which now stands at £85,000.

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