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and let the nation know who your fave housemate is!
Welcome to
Welcome to the all REVAMPED Big Brother website.
We are hoping to launch a WAP site for the new series.
Would you use it? Let us know by emailing us on
Pictures have
emerged claiming to be the pictures of the NEW Big Brother house. Click
here to view these pictures.
We need a few people to help us run our NEW Live
updates service. Please e-mail us on for more info or if you want to help us
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Sign up with our newsletter to receive exclusive goodies from We are offering word searches, wallpapers and hopefully sounds too!! Also a CD of all the pictures from this series!!
Links The Big
page lists all the other Big Brother fan sites available
Did you know that you can now send
of the contestants to your mates?
Our competition is coming soon.
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Find out how the housemates are getting on with their tasks. Visit our
page for more details.
The Big
page lists all the other Big Brother fan sites available
Please visit the official Big Brother UK website at
There are lots of details on the contestants and up to the minute news on
the goings on in the house.
Some of the pictures contained in this page are
obtained from external websites. Please do not download these without
permission from the owners.
Big Brother is sponsored by
Big Brother is brought to Channel 4 by Endemol UK.
This site is not owned by Channel 4
This site is not intended for anyone under the age of 18.