Cracking up! @ 25 July 2005 12:14 AM
Craig's whingeing reached championship levels in a drawn out poolside rant this evening.

After giving Anthony the silent treatment for a full 20 minutes the Geordie finally cracked. "Why have you got no craic?" he asked the hairdresser.

"I thought I'd let you do the talking. I always start conversation and I thought I'd see if people ask me questions and stuff," replied a clearly rattled Craig.

Anthony got back to practising holding his breath under water while Craig continued to seethe. But after another lengthy bout of hush Anthony finally lost his cool.

"There's something up with ya. I can't be bothered to deal with it. You're just feeling sorry for yourself." That canny insight spawned yet another Craig-rage.

"There's not one positive thing about the whole day. I'm bored. I can't be bothered. I don't like people. I can't stick it. I'm so irritable I can't talk anymore." If only...

Yet his chirpy mate wasn't giving up just yet. Gripping the crimper firmly by the shoulders Anthony insisted: "I'm going to inject some of my good mood into you." "It's not going in," insisted Craig rebuffing the affectionate grapple.

"Oh my god," wheezed Ant. "You're feeling really sorry for yourself."

Letting out a primal scream Craig added: "Just kill me!"

Keep going like that Craig and your wish might just come true.

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