- Big Brother 2018


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Day 16: Roxanne has left the House

In a brief statement issued this morning, Big Brother bosses revealed that soap star Roxanne has quit the show.
Added 01-09-2018

Day 16: Ben is the 3rd Evictee

Tonight saw the third eviction of the series, as we said goodbye to another celebrity and it was Ben who was evicted against Jermaine.
Added 01-09-2018

Day 14: Roxanne Claims Ryan Was Violent Against Her

There was a controversial incident between Roxanne and Ryan in Thursday's highlights show. Ryan was given a formal warning by Big Brother after Roxanne complained that he had been 'violent' towards her.
Added 31-08-2018

Day 14: Ben Tells Roxy he Loves Her

Ben confesses his feelings for Roxanne after opening up to her in a chat on the beds.
Added 30-08-2018

Day 13: New Twist Revealed

Celebrity Big Brother has announced a huge new eviction twist for the next live show.
Added 29-08-2018

Day 13: Chloe is Evicted

Chloe has become the second evictee and had faced the chop against Hardeep after the pair received the most votes from their fellow housemates' nominations.
Added 29-08-2018
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