Day 2: Rodrigo gets Final Warning  Day 2: Rodrigo gets Final Warning


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Day 2: Rodrigo gets Final Warning Bookmark and Share
Rodrigo Alves has been handed a FINAL warning by Big Brother for using the N-word twice on his first night in the house, it has emerged.

Viewers of last night's highlights episode were stunned when it began with a caution for "racially charged language" even though it covered only the first several hours of the series.

The reason for this became clear later on, when it featured a conversation between multiple housemates that took place at 2.39am on Friday, concerning Dan Osborne's marriage and allegations that he'd had an affair with Gabby Allen.

Rodrigo – known in the tabloids for his extensive cosmetic surgeries – remarked that Dan is "not my type", and used the N-word to describe what his "type" is.

"I like a **** boy, do you know what I mean?" he said. "I like a **** boy, he's too white for my sake."

Celebrity Big Brother summer 2018 - Rodrigo Alves warned for using 'racially charged language' in conversation

The next morning, Big Brother hauled Rodrigo to the Diary Room to remind him of "the rules regarding unacceptable language and behaviour".

"This morning, at 2.40am in the bedroom, in a conversation with Dan, Chloe, Gabby and Natalie, you used the N-word twice," the eye reminded him.

"Rodrigo, this word is highly offensive, and very likely to cause significant offence to both your housemates, and more importantly, the viewing public."

The so-called ‘human Ken doll' attempted to explain his actions. "Of course, I do understand," he said. "Last night, I was very excited to be here, and I had quite a lot to drink.

"Today I'm very hungover, I've been drinking a lot of water, and I was regretting that, the fact that I used the N-word, it was obviously not necessary at all, it was just excitement, I'd had quite a lot to drink."

Celebrity Big Brother summer 2018 live launch - 'human Ken doll' Rodrigo Alves

But his words didn't wash with Big Brother, who sharply retorted: "None of that is relevant, Rodrigo, that is not an excuse.

"Big Brother regards your language in this instance to be totally unacceptable and Big Brother does not tolerate such language in the house."

Explaining his punishment, Big Brother continued: "As a result of your use of this offensive language, Big Brother is giving you a formal and final warning. If you use this language in the house again, you will be removed from the house immediately. Do you understand?"

"I understand, yeah," Rodrigo confirmed.

Having occurred less than 24 hours in to the new series, this is thought to be the earliest that Big Brother producers have ever handed out a final warning.

Added 18-08-2018 by: Ian [Admin]


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