Day 3: The Housemates Build a Wall  Day 3: The Housemates Build a Wall


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Day 3: The Housemates Build a Wall Bookmark and Share
Big Brother sets Kirstie and Ryan a task.

Kirstie explains to the rest of the group: "As your president I take the security of the Big Brother house and protecting its borders from the outside world very seriously.

"We have just received special intelligence which indicates several powerful outsiders are plotting to cross the Big Brother border and infiltrate the house in order to steal Big Brother's Green Cards.

"It's my presidential order that we build a wall. A great, great wall. The greatest wall the world has ever seen.

"A fail will be incurred every time an outsider is able to breach the wall and steal a green card."

As part of the task, Kirstie had to appoint a 'Head Of Defence' to oversee construction of the wall.

She chose Nick Leeson, explaining: "Nick has been in prison so he knows a lot about walls."

In the garden, housemates had to erect a wall made out of giant LEGO style bricks.

But Natalie Nunn was not happy with the task, or the reigning house president.

Complaining about Kirstie's political affiliations, she fumed: "I officially don't like the Big Brother house president."

As part of the task, housemates were told to guard the wall constantly.

"During a shift, if an attempt to steal a green card occurs, an on duty guard must alert Big Brother as soon as possible by pressing the red alarm button situated in the garden," explained Big Brother.

Throughout the day some 'familiar faces' tried to break in, including the Queen and Donald Trump (sort of...).
Added 19-08-2018 by: Ian [Admin]


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