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Contestant Profile
Marco describes himself as 'the biggest bitch on the planet' and 'a total
s**t stirrer'. He's Vice President of his university's Law Society but has no
intention of being a lawyer. He's half Italian and an ex-Samaritan.
Full Name:
Marco Sabba
DOB - 20/04/83
21 Star Sign:
Taurus From:
Middlesex Occupation:
Law Student
What is your plan to survive in the House?
Be myself - 100%. If they like me, they like me - if not, it's their bad luck -
and they'll get rid of me.
Have you lived in a house share before? Describe your worst experience of
house sharing
Once lived next door to a nightmare neighbour. Always used to complain about
noise, as well as stir.
Who do you think you most resemble from history and why?
No one springs to mind.
What is your greatest fear about going in?
Being rejected by people I'm close to - when coming out - and having doors
closed on me because of Big Brother, as well as family being persecuted whilst
in there!
What message would you like to send to those who know you?
Really grateful that people are supporting me - thanks! And keep supporting me!
What will most annoy the other housemates about you?
Can be quite untidy as well as loud. Dramatic.
What will they love?
Quite outgoing - the drama I'll bring to the house, that I can have a good
What will most annoy you about the other housemates?
Hate anal people who are really particular and push views on to you - because
I'm very liberal.
What will you do if you don't win?
Return back to normal life - hopefully.
What's your biggest secret?
Some of the things encountered when working as a Samaritan - these will remain
People say they will do anything to win. Where would you draw the line?
There won't be a line - will always be myself.
Tell us a joke.
Englishman, Scotsman, Irishman in the jungle and encountered a tribe called Maw
What is your party trick?
Crank phone calls when drunk.
Favourite movie, book or magazine?
Favourite film - Legally Blonde
Favourite book - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
What item of clothing could you not live without?
Shaving foam.
Before Big Brother, what was your claim to fame?
Interviewed by MTV outside the Legally Blonde II premiere in Leicester Square.
When you leave the house, who would you most like to see?
My mum who I'm very close to, or my best friend, Dominique.
What is your best chat up line?
Don't use them, they're too cheesy.
Describe your perfect Valentine's dinner?
To a theme park during the day. Then a restaurant for a shell fish dinner.
What car do you drive now? What will you drive if you win?
I don't drive. If I won, I'd buy something low key like a Golf.
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