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Contestant Profile
Kitten is a human and animal rights activist. She is a strict vegetarian and
is angered by sexism, pornography, homophobia, racism and George Bush. She has
two cats called Puddypuddyquadropodteddyteddyteapot and
Full Name:
Kitty Pinder
DOB - 13/10/79
24 Star Sign:
Libra From:
Brighton Occupation:
Political Activist
What is your plan to survive in the House?
Think it'll be difficult. Generally quite good surviving - I want to make the
most of focusing on the experience! I don't have a strategy. I'd like to make a
presence in the House and be remembered.
Have you lived in a house share before? Describe your worst experience of
house sharing
I lived in a squat for a while which was difficult as I was sharing with 30
others. Also lived in a young persons' hostel with rats and thieving!
Who do you think you most resemble from history and why?
Probably a cross between Leon Trotsky and Valerie Solanis, who shot Andy Warhol.
What is your greatest fear about going in?
Might have to sit in a fish tank - I hate little fish. I might struggle with
lots of sweaty, no-necked rugby players who are really sexist and awful.
What message would you like to send to those who know you?
I would like support from the gay and alternative media - I want to be a good
What will most annoy the other housemates about you?
I'm really untidy and argumentative. I like to cook a lot but don't share the
kitchen too much.
What will they love?
I'm good to talk to and can think up activities. I like interesting conversation
and am very caring - even to people I don't like.
What will most annoy you about the other housemates?
If people have bad attitudes. People don't usually annoy me but I hate racist,
sexist, homophobic people - I can't tolerate it.
What will you do if you don't win?
Nothing much will change. Long-term I'd like to travel with my girlfriend, get a
house, foster teenagers, continue political campaigning and have lots of pets.
What's your biggest secret?
I'm quite open, I don't really have secrets.
People say they will do anything to win. Where would you draw the line?
Probably quite a lot as a lot of money is at stake. I'd draw the line at hurting
people, animals or myself physically or mentally.
Tell us a joke.
Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.
What is your party trick?
I'm good on a skateboard. I can flip a beer mat on top of a glass, and I have a
double-jointed thumb which I can bend right back.
Favourite movie, book or magazine?
Tipping the Velvet.
What item of clothing could you not live without?
Before Big Brother, what was your claim to fame?
During the anti-war demonstration last year I was interviewed for the local and
national news.
When you leave the house, who would you most like to see?
My girlfriend.
What is your best chat up line?
Don't use them.
Describe your perfect Valentine's dinner?
I'd go to my favourite restaurant in Brighton and drink lots of expensive red
What car do you drive now? What will you drive if you win?
I drive a Volkswagen Polo. If I won, I'd buy a pink combi van and drive around
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