Trained and Ready for FameAdd comment Bookmark and Share
Earlier today housemates were given training by media expert Nina Myskow and successfully learned how to:

- Perfect their wave for when they leave the Big Brother House
- Walk down stairs gracefully
- Perform with etiquette and ease on the red carpet
- Get out of a car gracefully
- Greet a housemate they didn’t get along with
- Perfect their hug with Brian Dowling
- Deal with bad press
- Deal with an over-enthusiastic fan

Nina was suitably impressed by their efforts and therefore housemates have passed today’s task winning a cocktail and canapés party this evening. Big Brother will also play in a selection of their favourite songs.

Luke S and Deana particularly impressed Nina so have won a special prize of a dinner for two which is currently taking place in the garden. Let's hope Ashleigh is too swept up in the post-House scene to watch this intimate tête-à-tête.
Added 12-08-2012 by: Ian [Admin]

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