Housemates awoke to a river running through the garden. Day 2 of the Gold
Rush task had more challenges and a big surprise lined-up for our housemates.
First up, the Spaghetti Western task involved housemates demolishing piles of
pasta. With those bloated bellies, we're glad we weren't sharing a bedroom with
them - it gets windy enough there as it is.
The teams who had triumphed in previous tasks earned extra time for the final
showdown - panning for gold. Only The Bad had failed to pick the all important
additional seconds and, despite their best efforts, were beaten by The Good. As
a result, Luke S, Sara and Scott were made immune from nominations, although
they still had to nominate.
The total gold panned decided whether or not housemates had passed the
shopping part of the task. They failed, meaning economy meals for a week aw.
Big Brother had one more surprise for the housemates - good ol' face-to-face
Sat around the campfire, they were given a pack of cards with housemates' faces
on and had to pick two. Nominations rained down on Lauren, while Luke A came a
close second, meaning the pair of them face the public vote.
Luke A took nominations hard, struggling largely with not being popular. Deana
gave him some tough love and Lauren offered him a shoulder to cry on. He
realised he had real friends in the house, unlike the Insiders whose fickle
friendships were deemed as faltering constantly.
Lauren has confronted a couple of housemates who picked her and is showing
herself to have toughened up a lot since Week 1.
Housemates have been a bitchin' and a gossipin' all day, but just when they
thought they were home and dry - BB called them in to the living area. At almost
1am they were informed nominations had been discussed, not once, but FOUR times.
The main culprit was Deana who seemed to think saying things like; "we mustn't
talk about this" while discussing noms would some how act as a
get-out-of-jail-free card. How wrong she was. Goodbye hot water. Her excuse, the
rules aren't clear.