Potat-Off ResultsAdd comment Bookmark and Share

Lauren chose Luke A and Luke S as the head chefs who had to cook up a super spud-based dish with their respective sous-chefs, Adam and Conor as part of thePotat-Off task.

They had only one hour to impress the spud-authority, Lauren, who hails from one of the most famous potato-farming regions, ever.  No pressure, guys!

When they bashed out a few ideas for the menu, Luke A chimed in; "she's got a very salty palate". No doubt bacon was mentioned, as well as cheese, crème fraiche, and other potato accompaniments. The sky's the limit. Imagine a world, where you could make any potato-based dish you dreamed of.

Luke S' orders to sous-chef Conor always ended with 'dude', this grew pretty annoying. "We need to start cleaning up dude, ok? Twist of pepper please, dude?'. His commentary was peppered with Jamie Oliver-esque classics like, "I'm going to plate this bad boy up (dude)". Conor was more focused on the potato being "crispy" and could be heard muttering "crispy" throughout the duration of the task, "make sure 'tis crispy".

Professional chef, Luke A, explained kitchen etiquette to Adam .He must answer "yes chef, no chef". Luke A jokingly said, "my career will be in tatters if we lose this, losing is not an option". Still though, you'd think working with a novice cook like Adam would be infuriating for Luke A, but he took it in his stride.

The four guys flexed their culinary muscles while the rest of the housemates kicked back, they rather enjoyed watching the guys sweat over a silly little potato dish, can't be that difficult, can it? Shievonne could hardly contain her excitement, the spud dish tasting was nigh: "this is going to be f**cking awesome".

Luke A won the task with his 'Potato gnocchi á la Schlong' with high praise from spud expert, Lauren. Luke S' dish, 'Silk Reds', failed to impress Lauren, leaving her puzzled as to why it contained tobacco and ketchup among other seemingly random ingredients.

The other housemates have jumped on the potato bandwagon, and can be seen peeling the very popular root veg.

Added 01-07-2012 by: Ian [Admin]

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